Connect the Thoughts Greece
CTT is a critical thinking based curriculum that asks open-ended questions and requires a 50 word written response. It has vocabulary and maps built in and is designed to have the students consider and explain concepts. It covers history, (of course) philosophy, politics, science, religion, art and literature of ancient Greece.
CTT Rome
To Be A Roman and A Roman Map Workbook - bought as a bundle through Homeschool Buyers Co-op and might do some of it.
Science Fusion Module G, H and I. It is an inquiry-based science program that has a lot of interactive features, some challenging critical thinking problems and virtual labs as well as regular labs. To view a 27 minute video that will give you an overview of the program, click on the Science Fusion link above and scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Why ScienceFusion?
Kinetic Books - Pre-Algebra
Life of Fred Pre-Algebra books for fun.
Writing with Skill - Complete Writer Level 1
The Creative Writer - Level 1
This writing program will be scheduled on Fridays.
Update: I decided for continuity reasons, to wait on Sentence Composing until he's done the Grammar book. They are similar in some ways and since he's already started the Grammar book, I figured I'l let him finish it, then move onto Sentence-Composing most likely in second semester.
The Book of Roots: Advanced Vocabulary Building From Latin Roots - A perfect book to tie in history, vocabulary Latin roots and his Latin class.
I may not get to all of these.
The Hunger Games and Philosophy: A Critique of Pure Treason
I have been homeschooling since 2009, but have been reading about it since 2003. Homeschooling is rapidly growing. Whether you are a veteran or new to homeschooling, I hope to filter some of the vast amounts of information for you
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