All of these computer science courses are free unless otherwise specified.
Where to start:
Zuckerberg and Gates team up with the mission to teach code to kids. This site has links to some of the sites you see below. It's kind of a one-stop shop.
For younger students:
From MIT is a free download that can easily be used by kids as young as 6 (like mine!).
If they really start to enjoy it, you can turn it into a computer science course by using these books.
Super Scratch Programming Adventure! |
Scratch Programming for Teens |
Gamestar Mechanic - A fun quest-based program that unlocks pieces the student can use for their own game.
Microsoft's program that allows kids to make games for the XBox or the pc.
For Middle Grade Students:
Ruby, Python and Java Courses.
Ruby is used on Twitter and Hulu.
Python is used on Pixar and EVE Online
Java is used on websites and for animations.
Computer Science Courses
Next step up from Scratch
Java, C++ and C#
12+ and up
New site that is just starting to add class materials.
Learn how to edit HTML and CSS
Installs on your browser and use the mouse to take a peek at the code.
Enhance, remix and share web video. Uses your web browser to combine video and audio with content from the rest of the web - from text, links and maps to pictures and live feeds.
Javascript, HTML/CSS, Python, Ruby, APIs
Community support
Points and badges to earn
For High School/Advanced Students:
1600+ Advanced computer lessons
Core programming languages C++, Java and HTML5
Subscription-based model
Cross Platform Complete Gamemaking Software
Create characters, tools, music, animations, quests, map paths, worlds...
Free - $500 - depending on how many tools and platforms you would like.
Occasionally goes on sale on Steam.
Full package allows easy porting for later sale in app markets.
College level courses
Beginner level to very advanced
Courses available for a limited amount of time
Some courses available year-round
When they have a finished game they would like to show off