What Do You Mean You Didn't Finish All of Your Curriculum??
Summer is nearly here and while we homeschool year round (well sort of..you'll see) we are finishing up some of our subjects and others we will finally be getting to. And I'm just fine with that. No reason to panic about being "behind".
Wait what?
We will do science in the summer. It has almost become a tradition. You know all of those so-called household ingredients for labs that I really don't have on-hand make me put it off for the next shopping trip. I thought I had a plan, but it just didn't happen. No need to panic or call the authorities. We still watched science documentaries and studied the weird critters that end up in our backyard. We went to the wetlands and the planetarium. Which means this summer we can focus on chemistry and possibly, though not likely, move onto physics.
Math was halted so we could focus on math fact fluency and review using Reflex Math and Khan Academy. I started both my 3rd and 4th grader on Early Math. Just shameful right?! Nope. Filling in gaps and building confidence was the plan. My 4th grader finished it in 2 months, which I believe is the fastest you can go because of the mastery challenge timer. We agreed to celebrate every completed level with a mommy date to the ice cream shop. My 3rd grader took 3.5 months. I still have their second semester math books sitting in a drawer unused. They will get to them and we will accelerate through it using their ninja math skills they've been working on. I do not doubt that.
Summer is also a time to work on individual problem areas. My 4th grader needs to continue on with his spelling. He needs to work on it daily and requires constant review. I bought the entire Apples and Pears spelling set so we could move from one book to another with no down time. My 3rd grader needs to work on her math. She needs constant review in that.
We also read some fun literature and poetry.
Sound like a lot? How can I get my kids to work through the summer?
All this takes 2 hours a day. Not bad right? And when cousins come over or we take a trip, we cut back to listening to audiobooks. School doesn't have to slow us down. And I don't have to worry about them falling behind. It's almost like they don't even feel like they are doing school at all. Kind of like those people that sneak veggies into food thinking the kids won't notice. They know it's there, but it doesn't seem so bad.
Coming up I'll list what we did and didn't get to. Plans change. Rabbit trails happen. They still learn.
I have been homeschooling since 2009, but have been reading about it since 2003. Homeschooling is rapidly growing. Whether you are a veteran or new to homeschooling, I hope to filter some of the vast amounts of information for you
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