Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading and Explode the Code
Mathematical Reasoning by Critical Thinking Co.
Math Mammoth Addition-1A
Miquon Math - Orange Book with C-Rods
Magic School Bus Science Club
Current Read Aloud
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
My own unit plans
- Dr. Seuss
- Winnie the Pooh
- Fall/Halloween
- Winter/Christmas
Lots of books from Dollar Days at Teachers Express Scholastic for science, health, math, language and anything else I found interesting
Lots of CurrClick books to go with units
6th Grade
Ancient Civilizations - Early Man through Persia
next year Greece and Rome
History Odyssey Level 2 Ancients by Pandia Press supplementing with Intellego Ancient Civilizations for the videos and interactives
Literature Studies
Gilgamesh the Hero by Beautiful Feet* Loved This! Need to write a review one of these days!
The Golden Goblet by Novel Units
Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons by Institute for Excellence in Writing
5 Minute Daily Writing Practice from Scholastic Teacher Express Dollar Sale
Math Mammoth
Life of Fred
Alternating 2 programs
Lively Latin Book 1
Studying for the National Mythology Exam using study packets from ETC and reading
Book List
- The Story of Mankind
- The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia
- Greek Myths
- The Golden Goblet (Newbery Library, Puffin)
- The Children's Homer: The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy
- D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths
- Tales of Ancient Egypt (Puffin Classics)
- Gilgamesh the Hero
I have been homeschooling since 2009, but have been reading about it since 2003. Homeschooling is rapidly growing. Whether you are a veteran or new to homeschooling, I hope to filter some of the vast amounts of information for you
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